Kwa Ushauri na Tiba Juu ya Tatizo lolote linalokusumbua TUWASILIANE HAPA.

Bofya hapa

CDC imeripoti maambukizi mawili 2 ya Virus vya Mafua kwa binadamu

Kwa Mujibu wa Vituo vya kudhibti na kuzuia magonjwa “The Centers for disaeses control and prevention-CDC” yapo maambukizi mawili 2 ya Virus vya Mafua(flu viruses) kwa binadamu,

ambayo kwa kawaida huenea kwa nguruwe na sio kwa binadamu.

Maambukizi haya yalisababishwa na virusi tofauti vya mafua, na yalitokea kwa watu ambao walikuwa na nguruwe kwenye maonyesho tofauti ya kilimo huko Michigan.

CDC reported 2 human infections with #flu viruses that usually spread in pigs and not people, the first of 2023. These infections were caused by different flu viruses and happened in people who had exposures to pigs at different agricultural fairs in Michigan.

Dr.Ombeni Mkumbwa

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