Kwa Ushauri na Tiba Juu ya Tatizo lolote linalokusumbua TUWASILIANE HAPA.

Bofya hapa

Wizara ya afya Kenya,yatoa wito watu kujitokeza kupata chanjo ya HPV

Wizara ya afya Kenya,yatoa wito watu kujitokeza kupata chanjo ya HPV.

Wizara ya afya nchini kEnya yasisitiza kwamba;

Saratani ya shingo ya kizazi ni aina mojawapo ya saratani inayoweza kuzuilika na inayoweza kutibika. Inaweza kuzuiwa kupitia chanjo ya HPV, inayopatikana bila malipo nchini Kenya kwa wasichana wenye umri wa miaka 9 hadi 14.

Tembelea kituo cha afya kilicho karibu nawe leo.

Huu ni Ujumbe wa Wizara;

“Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer. It can be prevented through the HPV vaccine, available free of charge in Kenya for 9 to 14 year-old girls.
Visit the nearest health facility today”.

#hpvVaccine #PrimaryPrevention


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